Friday, November 14, 2008


I am fascinated by Jack's ability to watch or do something over and over and over again. The night I downloaded El Kabong Rides Again on my laptop, Jack wanted to watch it again and again. He still does. Last weekend, I set the movie to repeat and went into the kitchen to get some coffee. I stopped counting at seven repeats. Although by the seventh repeat he was only watching casually. If I stopped it though he noticed it immediately.

Also last weekend, we watch the same two episodes of Pinky Dinky Doo eight times in a row. And while there was some light playing with toys, Jack actually watched the episodes (there are two episodes per one thirty minute show).

He's also manic about Handy Manny. Since variety is the spice of life, it wouldn't be so bad (for me) if we had more. But I haven't told the Tivo to get more of them. As a result, Jack just wants to watch the one or two episodes of each show we already have recorded.

I think the repetition relates to the greater transitions problem. Jack doesn't like to stop doing one thing and transition to another. If we are home, he wants to stay home. If we are out, he wants to stay out. When I announce that we will be going to Day Care, you would think I announced there will be no Christmas this year. He's mortified. "Don't want to go to Day Care!" he'll announce. Yet, when we get there, all is fine when he sees his playmate, Jay.

It's tough to be (nearly) three.


CKD said...

You should announce that there is no Christmas this year, and when he freaks say, "Dude, I'm kidding. We're just going to day care." Teach him a lesson about overreacting.

I really should have kids.

Rico said...

Heh, from reading your blog, I can't wait until he develops a yogurt preference. Bwahahahahah.

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