Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Lately, Jack has taken to wanting to run around (literally) in nothing but his diapers. Yes, by his wanting to run around in diapers you can infer that my initial optimistic thoughts on getting Jack potty trained by last November were woefully incorrect.

His mania for running around in diapers seems connected in some way to a burst of new-found energy. It's amazing. He runs around our coffee table while watching his favorite shows cackling all the while. On weekends, I take him to the local park where he devours slides, runs across fields and digs into sand.

After his bath time, he resists - mightily - getting into this pajamas. Because it's been a little cold here in northern California, we dress him in two layers: light weight summer pajamas over traditional fleecy footies. We have to fight to get him into the light weights and then again to get him into the footies. Like Dylan Thomas, he likes to rage against the dying of the light but when his head hits the crib mattress and I turn off the light, he eventually gets to sleep.

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