Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pretty Lady

So we went to church today. I must admit we haven't been going regularly since my return from Iraq, mostly because Jack is in a continual state of hyperness and talkativeness and the prospect of him sitting still and quiet doesn't bode well. While I was away in Iraq, my attractive wife largely opted out of taking Jack to church (and I don't blame her; two parents vs. one three year old is much better odds than one parent vs. one two year old).

Given the rain today, we opted to try and get out of the house. We were a little apprehensive but he was pretty good. We sat up front, near the choir hoping it would entertain him. My attractive wife presciently decided to pack a coloring book, washable crayons, a couple of hot wheels, an empty tennis ball plastic container, and a ball. All of that kept him pretty busy in the pews. After communion he got a little uppity and we discreetly went to the back of the church near an alcove that has a three-quarter scale color statue of Saint Teresa.

When Jack was six months old, he was baptized in the same church and he had a keen interest in this statue which is very life like. I remember Jack reaching out wanting to touch the statue which my father, who was holding him, thought very cute. That day Jack wore the same baptismal gown I wore when I was a baby. Jack's yet-to-be-born baby sister also will wear it (although with pink ribbons).

Photo taken on June 26, 2006

Today, when we passed by the same statute Jack once again expressed interest exclaiming, "Look! A pretty lady."

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