Sunday, December 28, 2008

Light Swaber

While down in Los Angeles visiting my parents for Christmas, Jack found a purple retractable light saber that used to belong to one of his cousins from Colorado when they were younger. He loves it, especially when viewing an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Cartoon Network. He even says, "Starwarsclonewars," or a good approximation of it. To him, it's not the sprawling, serialized swashbuckling adventure George Lucas envisioned; it's where General Grievous lives.

While watching, Jack holds his light saber retracted and expertly unleashes it every time a Jedi Knight (Master Kit Fisto is his current favorite) ignites his light saber. He jumps off the chair and assumes a fighting stance in front of the TV when there is a light saber duel. There are a couple of female Jedi Knights featured in a few episodes (Padawan Ashoka Tano and Master Luminara Unduli) whom he refers to as "the ladies."

Jack refers to his own weapon as a "light swaber". It's very cute.

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