Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back to Being a Dad

I'm back at home after spending a year in Baghdad, Iraq with the US Navy (I am a reservist and was called up for a tour of duty). Aside from being generally apprehensive about headed to a combat zone, I was doubly concerned about how being away would affect my son, Jack, and my relationship with him. When I left he was nearly two and now that I have returned he's nearly three. How would he adjust? How would I adjust? Would he even remember me?

I expressed these concerns to my attractive wife who told me I was worrying too much. Still, these concerns continually nagged at me during my deployment.

At the seven month mark -- last May -- I got to take two weeks' leave. My son recognized me at the airport well enough and transitioned well to my presence at home. It made going back when it was over that much harder.

Now I'm back for good and Jack seems very comfortable with me in his life. I'm looking forward to being a dad again.

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