Sunday, April 12, 2009


This weekend we are visiting my attractive wife's mom and stepdad.  One of the reasons we came was to meet Scout, a five year old yellow labrador retriever they have rescued.  In his brief life he's had a number of owners who, for various reasons, have had to give him up.  As a result, Scout is a little confused and needy.  We are thinking of giving him a permanent home but are taking our time in making our decision; Jack is handful and we are expecting a new addition to our family in mid-June.  Still, we have always wanted a dog (my attractive wife and I both grew up with dogs in the family).  

Today, we went with "Nanna and Papa" to the local PetSmart store where Scout graduated from the first level of obedience school.  Scout's trainer, Christine, told us Scout will need a lot of attention because he has been moved from owner to owner.  We are naturally concerned (we both work full time) but think we can give Scout a quality life.  Watch this blog for more news on Scout!

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